akam1k3 presents: "Preikestolen aka Prekestolen aka Preacher's Pulpit"
A wonderful Sunday stroll up to one of Norway's finest places. Preikestolen in Stavanger. Place was a good 1 and half hour walk, but oh so worth it. Tired from the night before me, Margrethe, Kevin, and Tonje marched ourselves up there and witnessed one of the most awesome heights (over 600m down..oueff) and sights. It really made you appreciate nature and its way of building great "monuments" with its surroundings. Hope you like the video. Good times for sure. Filmed with a Nikon d300s with a Sigma 10-20mm wide-angle lens. 720p. Yup! Go to my Vimeo page for better quality.
What do you think!?
Mayer Hawthorne - Your Easy Lovin' Ain't Pleasin' Nothin'
Lion King - Circle of Life
Preikestolen whaaaatsssss goood!?