Ayo rain, ayo rain!? You can't phaseeee me! Another good day.

It was raining cats and dogs yesterday, but it didn't stop me. Had a wonderful day at work, with patients and coworkers that made the day go by easy breezy. Thanks guys. Except for that one kid that was so cool yesterday, I must say my highlight was our workout with the coworkers. Get this; we get paid to workout an hour and a half every Tuesday. Tell me how cool that is? Get that Tyrese on (hah) while making money? I love it. And I needed it. I was so dead after working out.. this time we had Zumba and core training. Oueff.

When I got home I made a wonderful dinner which I truly deserved after a good days work, and besides I was going to do more "work" later. Yup, after dinner I rested for a bit before I got myself on the soccer field. Its been a while since my last soccer game, so I was excited to get back on it. The team I'm playing for is a team that is made up by people that work at the hospital, both men and women of all ages. I had a blast even though we lost. We got off to a great start with a 2-0 lead (2 assists by me hehe), but then the other team got more players (that didn't even really play for them) and screwed us over.. hahah.. No hate though.. It was awesome! I can't wait till next weeks game, I promise not to suck at finishing the play. Elverum Sykehus United ftw! Hopefully it doesn't rain next time.. swear.

Mucho props to Margrethe for being the best supporter ever. She was sitting in the stands in the pouring rain! Sorry for our lose, and thanks for the support! (Thanks for just being here in Elverum at all.. thanks)

It was a good workout day.. yup it was. Oh and yeah.. the game ended 11-4 hahahaha.. at least I had 3 assist and hooked it up with a penalty. Yup yup..

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They killed me. I was drippin'.. haha.. Good times.

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TV-dinner get out of here. Chilipestopennepasta with rucola and lemoncajunpepper Swedish meatballs in creme fraiche.

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It was raining cats and dogs. And it never stopped. Swear it was coming down hard.

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Back on the field. Like I said we lost, but it was so fun. Next time lets just hope it doesn't rain to much. Lets go TEAM!

Sore and tired as heck.. but its all good. Another great day over here. Life is good.