Downtown Oslo on a SUNNY Saturday for the win!

Saturdays like this are just what I live for. Straight up chillin' and just movin' in my own pace. The sun was out and I was back in my shorts. I refuse to give up on wearing shorts outside just yet. Hehe... The day started with sleepin' in and eating Friday's leftovers.. haha.. so good, especially in combination with that A1 sauce.

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Leftovers ftw. A1 sauce you always deliver.

Later on I strolled to downtown with ze girl, and it was just awesome. The weather was poppin' as mentioned, and everybody was outside with a smile on their faces. Its just so nice to see so many people. I really appreciate city life.. swear I need the noise and I need crowded places.. hah. I really do dig Elverum, but I really appreciate the fact that I can visit Oslo without it being a hassle. Yup! So downtown we went, and the misses went on a shopping spree. Good for you, I was jealous.. hehe. She got a whole lot of nice pickups, can't wait to see you rock'em! Also met up with Simon and his lady. Always good times. Hang in there Simon, you got this! You already know I had to hit up Sole Service as well. Nice to see you guys again. I do miss workin' there already.. hehe... dah well.. OSLO downtown for life!

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While waitin' its fun to take pics.. hah. Nah, its always cool to go shoppin' with you!

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Broke out these babies.

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El Simon.

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This wasn't even all of it. Hah!

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After the shoppin' we got ourselves home and got ready for the big party. Oh my. Be ready for the pics. Fun times. Where were you!? Baawwwwwwwwsss!

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Great company.

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Happy camper.

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Great dinner.

More soon!