First weekend in Elverum is done diddy done son!

Easy Sunday mornings (cliché, but true) are the best. Slept in for the first time that week and had no agenda whatsoever. It was the last day of the BAWSweekend, and we figured we would do what we had been doing the whole weekend; CHILL. Suited me pretty well. Ate breakfast while watching Season 2 of "The Dave Chappelle show"... haha that stuff never gets old. If you don't remember I'm pretty sure they have the sketches on YouTube. Yup.. go do yourself a favor, watch it.

Like I said there wasn't to much on my agenda that day. However, I did meet up with my co-worker, Hilde, to get my new couch. Thanks miss, its awesome. Very comfy and nice couch for a "giveaway" price. Much appreciated. Finally I can relax on a couch. IKEA ftw. And thanks to everyone who helped me get it to the apartment.

The last batch of BAWS'es left around 7 pm, and I guess it was kinda sad to see them all leave. Like Phil said it was a great weekend, full of good times, laughter and inspiration. You right mayn, we did get a lot to reflect on and think about. Newfound inspiration for the win! Whatelse do you expect when your with these people anyways!? BAWS. Swear, I say it a lot, but I can't help it. Friends mean so much to me, they really do. Each one of you(and I'm not just talking about BAWS) play a big part in my life, even if it doesn't seem like it. At times I might be missing in action(and we might not see each other for a while), but on the reals I must say that I do appreciate all of you guys. I know I don't always make time for everyone, but remember that I never take you guys for granted. Without you guys(and the coolest kid of course heh) I wouldn't be so inspired and motivated. Getting kinda emo here... haha.. but its all love. Guess I just want people to know that I'm so blessed to have great friends surrounding me. YUP... B A DUB S!

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Cornbeef is what's up!

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Hahaha.. no comment.

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Ready set fight!

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Wonder why its called Surge in the States..and Urge here, anyone who knows!?


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Zen Master!

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Dig my new couch and been diggin' you! And even though the guys left.. I'm pretty lucky to have you keeping me company. Ze BEST.

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Best nightsnack.. and yeah we have McDonalds pepper for days.

First weekend spent in Elverum.. EPIC.. lets see how it goes when I don't have visitors though.. hehe.. Dah well, let's not think about that now, just enjoy good memories. Besides I do like this place anyways.. yup.