Yup.. slept in for the first time in several days. Felt good. I woke up not sleepy at all. I was so awake that I even joined Margrethe for a morning run. Whatttt!? Hah.. We ran a good 10km, although I had to slow her down. She ran me up, down and side to side. I was playing catch up.. hah. I need to get on her level. Great run miss. Can't wait till next time.. hah.. swear I was sore. Worth it though. Especially with a great breakfast awaiting on the table when I got back. Other than workin' out for the first time in ages, I've just been enjoying her company and just straight up chillin'. We even had dinner from Ostehuset again, and this time we had scampi, lamb, quiche, and gourmet sausages.. B A DUB S as usual. STVG is treatin' me really good. The rest of the day will most likely be very nice as well!

Done son.

Jane Fonda got nothin' on her. Inspiration for reals.

Choice of weapon.

Breakfast. Roast beef and grilled onions ftw.

Dinner is served.
How you been?