A little bit of Elverum for you..

Yeah.. been here for three days now. I must say its not bad.. not bad at all. I like it. When I first heard about the place I was a little skeptical. Wasn't really sure what I was getting myself into. However, it turns out that the place I'm living in is quite the roomy and nice place, its right next to work (actually right next to everything.. haha) and its all good! Thanks to the parentals and Margrethe for helping out. Special thanks to Margrethe for staying a bit.. so I can at least claim that I know someone here. Dig u! The first day, Sunday, we didn't do much... just unpacked and chilled the whole day.. with dinner and some MTV.. I like. The second day I woke up the sun was beaming and Elverum gave me a warm welcome. We strolled around the city downtown and made ourselves familiar with the place. So far the impression is a lot of food places (that I know I will like, especially London Fried Chicken.. haha), a lot of nice people on bikes, and a butt load of hair salons.. hah. I like though. No hate at all. I grew up in a place called Nittedal, and over there they barely have anything, so this is more than enough I guess. The past days I've been up and running outside as well. Margrethe has been great at motivating me to get out and run for at least an hour. Good job beib! And its also a great way to go "sightseeing" hehehe... yup yup! Yesterday was an epic day. That was my first day as a physical therapist. It was great. My co-workers seem really nice, and the place I work out is very nice. I got a nice bulk of information the first day and got to know some of the routines.. however the best part of it was getting my own badge that didn't say student anymore. I know it felt a bit scary, but I know I will work hard to earn my lone tittle as a PT not a PT student. BAWS! Elverum is good.. I'll hit you up with more later. Btw.. there are actually a lot of foreign people here.. and another fun fact is that I walked passed someone I know yesterday.. hah. Hope everything is good with all of you guys. Here are some pictures:

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Rockin' that Alife.

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Mom's BBQ sticks. Tear. Finished it so fast.

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Thanks for everything!

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Hah. Mom is thinking "no wonder my son is crazy"

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Hahaha.. losers. Singin!?

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Then the next day I had to make my own dinner.. haha. Rice and fish in tomato sauce.

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Night snack.. the usual.

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Breakfast.. heh.

Celebration dinner at Gråberg restaurant yesterday was awesome. Thanks miss! It was delicious, don't be fooled by the name, it serves very awesome Asian dishes, and to a rather great price as well. Free rice too! Hah! I know I'll be eating there often. BAWS.

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Won-Tons and scampi.

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Chinese beef with peppersauce.

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Satay chicken.

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Me being me.. happy as can be.

Elverum what's good!