Mike's road to the HUMMER!

Hahaha.. Like I mentioned a few posts back, I've started on the long(?) road to riding our Hummer by myself aka trying to get my license. Finally I've pulled it together and started. I was supposed to do it in the States when I lived there, but a Finnish kid the year before me rammed down a person so they wouldn't let exchange students get their license. Tough break huh!? And then when I got back to Norway I was to busy being geeky at school.. hah! And before you knew it I was living in Oslo where having a car only makes your day harder aka the "everlasting-search-for-a-parking-spot-ending-up-several-blocks-from-your-destination". Yup yup.. but enough with the shoulda woulda coulda's.. I'm on track now.. and I'll run with it until I can drive it. Wish me luck!

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