Shrimp, crabs, and draaaaannnks!

Had a first time experience the other day. I had a crab and shrimp meal. I've grown up with a lot of people eating that around me and asking me to have some, but I have always kindly thanked no. However, this time around I was down and ready to feast. And it did become a feast. The crab was truly a hit, I had like 5 crab sandwiches. Bomb! However, when it comes to the shrimp, I wasn't to fond of it. I did have two sandwiches with it, but the taste wasn't truly my cup of tea. I'll eat it, but not feast on it. Hah! Maybe with another marinara or something, because when it comes to scampi and such I can go all in. Heehe.. however, it was a very nice meal. Klø was in town as well, so I got to meet her again. Good to catch up miss! To bad you had to leave early. Everything will always turn out good. The rest of the evening we warmed up for another night out on the town. It was me, Margrethe, Kevin, Vilde, and Thea who all went out. Marte chilled with us only. The pre-party was fun. YouTube DJ's ftw! Hah! Didn't really take pictures while we were out, but I did take a couple of shots from the night out before. Stay tuned for those.

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It was good.

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However, as you can see, my plate to the right didn't really feast on those shrimps.

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They went for it.

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I was more on that crab!

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Good times.

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Warmin' up. Sorry for not taking pictures of the rest of you guys.. hehe..

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Legendary taco feast at 4 am. BAWS.


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Get on that level! YouTube DJ!