Wifebeater crew.


Poser.. hehe.. a cute one at that.

Malik showing off his skills to his brother. You the future baby legend!

Keeping it hood.. hah.



Styling on you. Don't be mad.

Around midnight we did decided to go out though, but not to party, only because we wanted to get a nightsnack. Had to check out what kind of junk Elverum had for me anyways.. hehe.. The search ended at Roma Pizza, and they did their thing. Good kebab I must say. Can't wait to try their "BNB" pizza one time.. instead of the beef and bernaise they have kebab and kebabsauce with fries. Nice huh?

Waiting for the fix.

Still waiting.


Wifebeater crew is content.
Margrethe, Jaz, and Arif.. thanks for a great Saturday night. We ended the night with the movie classic "Boyz N the Hood". Never gets old!
I know you seen it before.

How do you like to spend your Saturday's?