Anyways, work was good. I've been lucky the past Mondays. My worst nightmare scenario at work must be being dead tired from a weekend and coming to a frenzy at work. Luckily I only had a couple of patients, and all of them went easy breezy. Hurray for me. For reals, hurray for me.. and big ups to the massage chair!

Yeezy's with scrubs!? BAWS haha.. guess which color!?

After work I got my cooking on. Tried to make some Asian wannabe Ricebowl food. Turned out pretty good, and it looked Ricebowl-ish, especially with the lime on top hahaha. Come over next time. I gotchu. I wasn't supposed to eat everything, I planed to save some for work, but it was way too tasty. BAWS.






Voila! Fried noodles with cashewnuts, lime, and sliced chilimarinated porkchops! Ahhh yeah!
Around 7 I met up with Egil to hit up a hip-hop dance class. Swear, we were walking on thin ice, and we were so nervous. Yeah yeah, the other students and the teacher was only 16 years at the oldest, but swear they could dance compared to us. Hahaha.. We did our best, it was kinda sketchy in the beginning, but we did get a hang of it.. somewhat. Heheh. All I know is that it was fun, and its not the last time. Maybe I'll even make a vlog about it.. hahah.. sike!?

So you think you can dance.. dance.. danceeee..
We weren't done with working out after dance practice so we hit up the gym. Egil is pretty hardcore when it comes to working out, so again I was on thin ice. Swear, homie went G.I Joe on me hahah. I guess I deserve it. At least I'll get back in shape right!? Oueff.. At the moment its Wednesday and I'm still sore.. hah. Get big.

G.I Joe.

Place was pretty old.. charming, but old.

Haha... don't trip I did workout too. Big BOY!
Yup yup.. the week started pretty good, and stay tuned.. it only got better...