The first part was all about them Angeles siblings. Me and Mimi decided to chill downtown and go (window)shopping. It had been awhile since me and her got to hangout, so it was cool to be able to catch up and such. Thanks Mimi for great company. We stopped by several shops, and I swear I almost pulled the trigger at LV.. haha.. but I'm not sure yet if suits me. Yea yea.. We also got to see some intergalactic people which was cool.. hah, and we got to see good friends and family. Before ending the sibling bonding we randomly met von Osten, Soggiu and Herman. Decided to snap some pics with them. Good times. Thanks Anton for letting me try out a different gun! Hehe.. more of those pics later though.
First some Angeles kids pics:

Maybe next time Mimi!?

Darth Vader, Storm Troopers, and Snow Trooper(?) .. sick.

Following their Queen. Hahaha..

Readin' them books!?

Stress Grensens newest addition. My Goddaughter. Swear she is a natural seller! Good job miss. Dinner soon!

Angeles kids... we stay...

..rockin' J's. Mimi with OG XIII, me with some CDP XIII.

Stopped by Fotovideo to try out the new 24mm 1.4 ...someone please get me it!?

f 1.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Chill b." Hahaha.

Pilpip is excited I guess.

Have a great trip sir. And.. for reals.. hella proud of you!
Yup, like I said.. Anton let me borrow some glass. Siick. Here is a little preview of my shots with his Nikkor Tilt-Shift 45mm f2.8.. more to come: