I keep running and running and running, but I'm good!

Tuesday is quickly becoming my workout day. Already tired from Mondays run and workout, I knew that I was going to be dead by the end of Tuesday. Right before work gets out we have the "paid-workout-session". Stuff is hard. One of my co-workers is a instructor at a fitness gym and she makes us do the same things that she teaches. Its a method called Zumba (I think!?) with strength-, coordination, and cardiotraining. Swear, I'm dead when we are finished with it.. and when she adds the core workout in the end I'm ready to give up.. haha.. It feels good though when you are done.. I'm proud of myself.


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Good thing I worked out huh? Hah. My co-workers are into baking cakes and bringing them to work. Nice? Heck yeah!

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Let's get it! Btw, I love this The Hundreds Public Announcement tee...

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Lunchables. I'm on it! Taco-salad-rice-thinga-ma-jig!

When I got home I caught some Z's before I again had to head out for a new energy draining activity - soccer match. Good thing it didn't rain this time. It was fun as usual, even though the people we played against were being jackarses at times. It suited me kinda bad, knowing that I forgot all my soccer gear in Oslo and had to play in Vans, basketball shorts, and no chins..hehe.. I did survive though. We lost(and I know I didn't play my best), but I did get my cardio on. Yup.. its good to be back on the field. Can't wait till next week again, hopefully I can raise to the occasion. Please let me score this time. Hah!

Been missin' these. Yummy.

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The sky was on fire!

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Tired, but ready.

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Lucky #13.

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Got my Vans on, and they don't look like soccer shoes.. oueff.. Hundos "Waldo" socks ftw!

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In action.

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Looks like I kicked it over the moon.. heh.

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All soccer pics shot by my girl, the one and only owner of cestlaaavie, and edited by me. Thanks for watching even though we got killed again!

Ended the day with some couch chillin' and the worlds best frozen pizza - Grandiosa Original. BAWS!

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Best of the best!

Yup.. Tuesdays are tiring, but I like it. Bring it on!