hahaha... you will understand later..
Yeah.. I've been posting pics of my weekend lately. Hope its cool? It was just an eventful weekend, and this weekend will be likewise! So on Sunday it started with fishing and ended with quality time with my family. In between we had visitors over for some chitchatin', catching up, and some straight up chillin'. I was surrounded by the strong independent women club.. haha. Lala, Emz, Blanca, Desi, Ratih, etc etc were missing.. but maybe next time.

Ate Eve was there of course, owner of "Snapshots and Shutterbugs"

She still on that jumping tip.

The girls of Oslo City.. the real Oslo Girls.. hah. Just messing.

Maria is all into the convo.

Really into it.. hah.. it was about turtles without a shell. Hmm.. hah.

Ferleen was present!

Eily was there too. Whats good cousin!?

Tini aka Marc Jacobs snatcher was there. Hurray for becoming an Oslo resident. Been awhile since I last saw you. Bring Daniel next time!


Agsss wants you to checkout her tumblr.

Mimi hound on that sushi tip.

Last, but not the least.. my better half Margrethe. See you soon!
I was pretty happy with all that I managed to do this past weekend. Got to meet and greet several people. At times it has been a hassle to have time for everyone. I'm not saying I'm important or anything, its just that I like to see all the people I care about, but time wont always let me. All was chill this past weekend though, and lets make sure the upcoming weekends will be like that as well. Thanks guys for great company. It was pretty cool!