As I was strolling home with
her we decided to go eat(duh.. like that was something unusual.. heh). Always been walking past the rock pub
Revolver in Møllergata, but this day I finally checked the place out. I've always been denied entrance there during night times, because I was too young, but luckily they didn't have an age limit for the dine-in experience. I like the old school diner, rock feel you get there, and the smell of last nights beer spills weren't bad at all.. haha. It was all a part of the experience. Loads of nice stuff to choose from, but I ended up with the fish and chips and Margrethe went with the fried chicken and nachos (yup, they had it on the menu and they were serving it.. no LFC haha). I find myself always going for the fish when its available, nothing beats some good fish, especially with fries. Yea yea.. anyways the food was great. Can't wait to go back.. I feel stupid for ignoring this gem all this time. Thanks for a great ending on my weekend babe! Your the barrel to my gun(haha don't even think nasty.. just trying to be cute)!


Very good smelling tee. They have a great assortment of that as well.



Happy campers.

And another one of the awesome sea delight.. haha!
Now go get your fix. BANG.