Mayn.. I'm kinda sad right now. Every year I visit Las Vegas to see friends and family. I've got a lot of good people over there, and one of them is my little brother Carlos. We've been brothers ever since him and his family took me in as an exchange student back in the day. However, to me I quickly found out that we were brothers way before we even knew about it. From the very start it said click, and we've had each others back ever since. I had a bittersweet talk with him today. I was happy to get to have a long talk with him again, it had been awhile. However, I was sad because I knew it was my last time seeing his "face" and having an actual conversation for at least the next two years. My inspiring brother is going to be a missionary for his Church the next couple of years, to serve and spread his beliefs. I'm so proud of him for following through with the plan he has been given, and so proud that he is excited to do so. He has been preparing for a good time now, and I know he is ready for the task. It might be hard at times b, but remember we are all praying for you and we always got your back. For reals mayn, I feel really weird right now, I feel egocentric for not wanting you to leave, at the same time wanting you to do this! I'm not going to get to see you in the longest time. Gaaaah! But like you said, it will only be so much better when we finally get to see each other for your homecoming. I wish you the best of luck and I'm truly proud of you. Who would've known!? My little knuckle head of a brother is going to be a missionary. Like from the beginning you have been an inspiration for me, and I too is excited about the challenge that is awaiting. You got this b! Yo's up. Catch you on the flipside. (I know a lot of this might not make any sense and there might be stuff that is left out, but I feel kinda weird, my head is kind of a mess.. heh. just know that I'm proud, I gotchu, and I can't wait to see you again!)
Love you dawg. (no cheese haha)

The drawing he made is still on OUR door. Hehe..

Mayn.. his bags are packed.

SPIKES no more.

Elder Chandia.

No more phone b!? Letters ftw.

Proud of you sir. gsdgshdfhLOVEafasfsdgsfdgdYOUfasfdfsdf