Sole Service Dronningensgate 40

It has a really special place in my life. Been Sole Servin' for a while now(almost half a decade), and I must say that its done me good. I can safely say that I wouldn't be in the position that I'm in right now without this job. I'm forever grateful for everything it has done and put me through. Some times it has been very hard, but usually its good times. Last year I didn't get to work as much as I wanted, due to the cramming that comes with the last year of school and basketball, but each time I did get to work it felt like I've never left. The great thing about this job is that its not only a job, its also a place where I'm happy and surrounded by good friends, that I look upon as people that I can see myself hanging out with till the end of time. I know I haven't been able to do that either in a while, and I must admit that I do miss it. You already know they're family, and its perfectly normal to miss their family when you haven't seen them in a while. Hah. Anyways I'm not even trying to be sappy in this post, I'm just paying some respects to the hands down the sickest street wear store in the whole of Norway.. yup I said it! Sole Service. We greet your feet, and I intend to do so when my time over here is done. Keep doing your thing guys!

Yeah.. I even stopped by this weekend, and it was so cool and nice to get to talk to the peoples again. And its so true, when I say that I don't even feel that I was gone. Same jokes, same topics.. things are just never meant to be changed, and in this case its a good thing. Yup yup! Nice seeing you guys again. Hopefully I also get to meet Ricky Late, That homie Lene, Maddewwiiizaack, Speedo, Pay2, and Big BOSS, next time I stop by(and to ShoeBoy.. you a part of the fam too heh). Sole who!? SOLE SCREW.

Dub doing his thing outside.


Changing places.

von Osten.

Poser!? Whatchu say Sivert?

Guess you can't say nothing.. POSER.. haha sike!

Marie.. aka the Rookie. Nice to have you on board miss!

Squatter boy.

DJ TørreBørre. Sup Ollis!?

Another great thing about this store, are the endless guests that stop by. Been a long time sir. Good to see you again sir. Great new toy!

Never gets old.

Yup. I do miss it. Miss it so much that I even figured I could help out after hours. Hah! Good times.

Big ups to the core over at Sole Service Oscarsgate as well. You guys are tite too! Its all love.