It had been a while since I had grubbed at Nighthawk Diner, so it was really nice when Agnes and Camilo invited me and Margrethe, and Daniel and Tini, for a triple date over there. Good times. We didn't even need to wait for a booth to long. Hurray for that. I was so hungry when I got there, and that was a good thing. I had so much for brunch. Not complaining though, actually pretty happy with that. Human vacuum cleaner for the win.. haha. The food was on point and it seemed like everybody was pleased. Yup yup, there isn't really much more to say. All I know is that it was really cool to hangout and dine with the other two couples, hopefully we can make it into an annual thing.. hah. Thanks guys!

My beloved one.

Them girls minus Tini.

Whatchu know about this!?

Them boys minus Daniel.

Waiting for the table.

Good to see you again sir! Mayn I need to get myself to Bergéééén!

What to get!?

Been forever Franky!! Nice seeing you again. Paranormal Activities 2 ftw.. hah.


Eyeing the food?

Ze best.

He ready!

Greek Yogurt.

Breakfast brunch platter, several of us went for that one. BOMB!

Pancakes. Yum.


Best of the best.

akam1k3 = a happy camper.

Shake it.

Reunion soon alright!?

Big boy club.

Thanks again!!
I just need to say it again:
how you been!?