#21 on Elverum is a beast! (haha.. check out the guy on top there.. how he is sitting hahah)

With them go-go gadget springs. (haha .. check it out again.. why are they sitting like that.. haha)

Its more than a game for the people who live here.

Leo showing some power. Swear, they physical.

Better luck next time. #21 still got man of the match though.
When the game was over I got myself home. Didn't do to much as the weekend came to and end. Not complaining at all though. Ended just like I wanted it to, straight up chillaxin' and good dinner. Good times.

After the match I was met by a little "nisse". Hehe.. cute.

Getting here "vogue" on.

MacBaby... maybe time to replace you? Hmm..

Yummy. Stay tuned for the final product. Swear it was great.

Shank you.



I'm telling you. It was AWESOME! Stay tuned!
I'll state it again.. Elverum weekend = great success.
How was your weekend!?