The weather has been kinda grey lately, so that is kinda a bummer, but you can't really complain because it is Norway, and it is Fall. I'm just scared that the snow will come early this year. A woman at the hospital they told me its not unlikely that snow can fall down on Elverum the first weekend of October. Oueff.. its only a couple of days till.. swear I'm crossing my fingers that the snow won't come until at least 2 months.. hahaha.. I wish.

Bad weather go away! Please?
When I got home after work I chilled a bit, had a little ghetto workout, and of course made dinner. The food was very delicious. Ate to much as usual though. Yummy.



Dinner is served. Paperplates ftw.
Later on I met up with Marit and Hilde for hiphop dance class. I had told them that I've been going to this dance studio to learn how to dance hiphop. You already know they wanted to join the fun. We had a great time, we were missing Margrethe and Egil though! Swear I wanna try to get god enough to perform at the Christmas Show.. hehehe.. Wow.. that could become interesting. Stay tuned for dance video.. for reals!?!

I'm a hip hop'r yes I am hahaha!

Love these.

Imagine if there were two of me oueff.. Bad idea hah.
Didn't do anything special the rest of the evening other then roaming the web. Re-energizing ftw! Another good day: CHECK! BAWS.

New episode tomorrow. Hope you will like it!