I tried to make some Asian-fried-noodle-wanna-be-number-14-at-ricebowl, but I failed. First I messed up the pasta so I had to make a new one, and then I bought the wrong sauce.. hah. However, it did turn out pretty good. The chicken was marinated perfect, and it tasted great with the noodles and fried egg. And I do think Margrethe liked it too, she even had it for lunch the following day. Hurray. Great success. Hah! Here are some pictures:

Chicken filet.

Marinaraaaaa* sauce.


Very nice. Juicy and tender.

Pasta and sauce.

Fail first try. Hah.

Great success 2nd try. Yummy!


Snacks for later.. hehe..

Best of the best.
Thanks again for great company. Your my favorite, thought you should know...
hence the Marinaaaaaaa remark.. hah. Good times.