Its been a good day for me, although I had a shaky start. When I woke up today, I thought I was late for work so I jumped out of bed to get ready. Turned out that my left foot(that has been bothering me lately) was still asleep as I jumped up. Hah! Swear when I landed I thought I broke my ankle. Oueff.. haha.. it got better though. Work was good, and I wasn't late. Still a lot of patients, but I'm still in control, phew...
When I got home I just chilled and cleaned the house for my lovely visitor this weekend. However, then 'Gil called me to ask if I was down for a workout. BAWS you already know I was down. Macho man ftw.. hahahah. It was a great workout, I'm actually getting really pushed to my limits and several times I find myself wanting to give up on life.. heh. Much appreciated Egil! Thanks for "forcing" me to give it 110 %. Oh my I know I'm going to get really sore. Dah well, I'm just happy that I'm getting into a workout mode, where I find myself wanting to workout as much as possible. BAWS!

Fried garlic calamansi rice with cajun porkchops.

Big boi.


Hahahaha.. get HUGE. Sike.. hah. Its not even heavy.. haha.

Go hard.

This one is the killer... oueff.

Elverums baddest madapumbas! Can't wait to get to Muscle Beach.. hahah... sike!
Do you workout!?