On Saturday I slept in, first time this week, and it felt good. Especially waking up to a chill breakfast for two. Good times. Around 1 pm Hilde picked us up, so we could go to Marit to check out her farm.

Breakfast. Toasted bread ftw.

Toast fail.
I grow up next to a farm, but was never in it, this might just been one of my first times in a farm, that I can really remember. Well its not your typical farm, its actually just hella cool.. hehe. It does have chickens, a rabbit, horses, and a WOLF hahah. To bad it didn't have any pigs.. dah well.. haha. The place is very nice, and I can't wait to see how it will look like after they renovate it and start with the building of their center. Good luck peoples! Anyways we did a lot of stuff.. and you already know I took pictures of it all. Some of it you will see now, some later.. hehe.

Sup rabbit!?

My new friend!

A true BAWS huh?

Like I said.. they even had a WOLF.. hah. Swear I thought it was a wolf.

Can't blame me though.. I thought I was going to be dead after this picture.. haha.

Just an ordinary "cut-up-a-moose-Saturday".

Just one lick.. hahah.

Dang. Oueff.
After farming(is that even a word?) we went back to Marit's apartment, next to mine, and chilled. While chillin', we were served a Norwegian traditional dish called "Klubb&Dubbe". I don't really know what to call it in English or explain what it is made off, but its shredded potatoes rolled into balls with the help of some kinda flour and then boiled. When its done you serve it with a caramelized sauce made out of chocolate and goat cheese. Sounds pretty weird, but it was GREAT.. a must taste, it was so filling as well! Thanks for opening up your home for us Marit. I can safely say that everyone had a great time! BAWS.


Dig taking pictures of YOU!


And.. Klubb with Dubbe. BAWS.

Thanks again miss!
More good times to come. Horseback riding and pony's!? Hah!