What's for lunch!? Homemade edt.

I told you I was going to be better at bringing lunch to work, instead of spending "so much" money on it. I know its not the best of food, but it was good as usual. Only day I went to the cafeteria was today, Friday. You already know I needed that reward.. haha. Good times. What did you eat for lunch? Hah.

Monday: Cheese melt with pepperham.

Tuesday: Same as above.. hehe.. had to eat up all the bread rolls and cheese. Hah!

Wednesday: Cornbeef and fried rice. Even brought that Calamansi. Yum.

Thursday: Polarbread with that Nugatti Krønsj aka Smash chocolate spread. BAWS!

Friday: Them fries and hot dog! I had two portions... haha. We even had cake. Swear I was full!

Good boy huh? Hah! Next step, even healthier lunch. Yes we can!