"So, you think You got talent?
Prove it by showing us!
After having two really succesfull events, the CFC Youth For Family and Life will for the 3rd time host the YOUth Got Talent in Storsalen, Oslo! This big event will be held on Saturday, November 20th 2010. The time for our event will be posted as soon as possible.
This year we will be focusing on dance/music performances. So there will be a winning prize for the dance competition and a winning prize for the music competition.
The winners of the two competition parts will be winning a prize of 5000kr!
Information for the ones who will compete.
The age limit will be from 12-24.
The signup fee will be 50kr per person. The maximum of the group can consist of is 8 persons. Meaning it will cost you 400kr if you're a full group.
Everyone who wants to compete should be signing up and giving information about the group by e-mail.
We will be needing the name of the group/band/artist. The names of everyone in the group and also the age of every person in it.
It's also important that you tell us if you're gonna do a music or dance performance.
If you're gonna do a music performance, we need to know what you guys will need on the stage, i.e barchairs, how many microphones, amps, which instruments you're gonna use. If you're gonna use playback, please inform about that.
If you're gonna do a dance performance. We need to know about the songmix. (Send it to us, but bring a source in case)
We will also be needing a contact person or two with details such as name, e-mail, phonenumber.
We can be contacted at youthgottalentnorway@gmail.com.
Contact persons:
Jasper de Claro - +47 934 33 793
Yasmin Reyes - +47 464 80 070
Ticket prices are 100kr per person.
Buy your tickets now! Don't miss out your chance! Good luck!"
Best regards, CFC YFL - YOUth Got Talent Crew.