Whatchu been doing lately in Elverum? Who me? Yes you. Well I've just been chilling actually. You have probably seen that I've been in Oslo most of the time this week, so haven't really gotten to do to much in the cold E(swear its cold here -20 degrees Celsius cold..oueff). On Thursday I played soccer as usual, and I sucked big time.. hah. Swear, I gotta pick up the slack next week. PROMISE! Thursday evening was a comfort though... Margrethe came to town! My job is having their annual Christmas party and we could bring a date, and you already know she was my pick. Bette half ftw! Thanks for saying yes.. heh. Good times ahead. But before the good times on Saturday we would have a good dinner on both Thursday and Friday. Very nice. I must say Friday's dish was the best, especially when it was followed up by ice cream. BAWS! Hah. Yup yup.. Elverum is treating me good!

Fried rice, fried noodles with cajunturkey and scrambled eggs!

Friday's dish! Ah yeah!

Iron Chef.


Rucola, fish cakes, and fried rice!
Partner in crime. (more pics on her blog)


Chocolate chip ice cream with chocolate chip cookies, peanuts and non-stops(aka smarties).

Pictures from last weeks Thursday. Marit, Hilde and me decided to hit up "Manis Kebab and Pita" for a good ol' beautiful and sinful dinner. Hah! Good times. Jaz.. what's good? I miss our beautiful sin! Döner! Let's do it again!