Then again, I wasn't slaughtered because I was very ready for soccer later on that evening. Tuesdays means indoor soccer, and you already know I'm always excited for that. It was fun yesterday although we might have just been to many people. To much waiting, but I'm not hating. Good workout, I even had a workout when I got home. Ghetto workout ftw! Hahahah. Before heading home me and my ride (T&T) stopped by Spar( a grocery store) to check out their 10 Nkr sale... heheh. Although I'm not a student anymore, my student mindset is still present. Get good food for cheap. Thanks guys for letting me join the raiding hahah. Now my freezer is happy, which means my stomach will be happy as well! BAWS.

What's good to all my Filipinos? I know your feeling me on this one. Hah!

Good times.

Let's go green team!

Choice of weapon. I wanna get them Nike Safari shoes though...

Thanks for the ride T.. say hi to T heheh..

Fried rice with fried tuna(fried in creme fraiche, chili, and lemonpepper). Easy, fast and delicious!

Muahahahaha.. 150 Nkr for all? I must say I did a steal. All I need are some First Price eggs from Kiwi and I'm set. Ballin' on a budget!
Yup yup... that was basically my Tuesday. The rest of the day I just chilled at the apartment, made some dinner and lurked the web. Very content with that. This week has been great, and I know its going to get better.... Margrethe here she comes!
How's your week been so far?