Second half BAWS switched it up, and put Tiga on top, which turned out to be a great move. Big E was pretty safe as the goalie and Tiga with a quick first step made it 2-0 advantage BAWS. However, Linje5 was working hard and it payed off later on. First it was little big man young H.O who jumped out of this world and headed in 1-0, and later on it was Junkyard the man behind the event made it 2-2 with a hip goal.. hah. The score was 2-2 and everybody had everything to play for. Harry mayn was close to get it in, but Jaz was on dis ting. Jaz and akam1k3 was pretty solid in the back, only slipped on the cornerkicks. Right before the whistle blew Sama D, who was terrorizing the Linje5 defense the whole match, almost sent BAWS to 7th heaven, but his try was narrowly saved by Linje5.
The match went to penalties. Sparks were flying in the heated battle. BAWs went ahead with a flying start, but in the end Linje5 were the once celebrating! They won after penalties, and the KEBAB is theirs.. hahah.. Good times guys! I had so much fun! Although Linje5 won... it was 2-2 after full time and I think we all agree that we need to finish this off with a suddendeath goal or something, However, Linje5 won the kebab and on the behalf of BAWS I congratulate you guys. Let's get it again! Crispy Chicken is the next prize.. haha. Let the good times come!
Big ups to everyone who participated! All of you guys brought your A-game!


One battle over, but the war continues... hahah! See you guys next time! Linje5 - BAWS FC = 1-0.