Yup yup.. got back to Oslo on Friday. Margrethe was at work so I went over to the BAWSstudio to chill, you know.. that BAWS kickback Friday. Good times. It was Rubix, Rifla, Banks, Sammie, and a bag of Cheetoes(the others were missed, you know who you are.. B A DUB S!). Nice huh? To bad we didn't get to make a kickback Friday video though, but don't worry we got some cool stuff in the works. Stay tuned. Thanks for great company guys! Keep doing work, we will rise like elevators!

Sammie Davies.



BB; BicepBanks.

Sam the martian.


Flammin' HOT.

In the kitchen.

Arif is in the zone. Lyrically gifted for reals.

So gifted he about to burst. Watch out, you ain't even ready!

Rubix on dis ting.

Hahahahahaha. Pretty Boy Swag.. hah!

Enjoying his work. Mixtape out soon.

Sick. B A DUB S!
We on it.