Anyways, after the sorrows were done, my parents drove me to the apartment. I thought they were just going to drop me off, but they ended up eating dinner with me and Margrethe. Good times. Mom's cooking on any given Sunday ftw! Actually, better yet.. on ANY GIVEN DAY! Thanks mom. It was awesome.



Hah! Mimi Hound!

Suppertime. Awesome.

Potatoes, hamsteak, and cajun bernaise sauce.

Heh.. funny fact: "my girl eats more rice then us".. hehe.
Didn't really do to much the rest of the day. I took a powernap, chilled, and Jake came over. Been awhile since I chilled with Jake aka Richard so it was really nice to be able to do so. Thanks mayn for good company. GTL! Hah! Keep up the good Matador...

My mathgeek. Keep up the good work miss!

Awww.. they grow up so fast.

T-shirt time! Hahaha.



Chilicheese bites.

Jake left around 11 pm and then I knocked out. Swear, I was so tired. It was weird, I never fall asleep at 11, usually not even before 2 am.. hmm. No wonder I woke up wide awake Monday morning at 5.30 am. Hehe.. Yeah, yeah.. but needless to say it was a great Sunday. A good ending on a great weekend. I'm back in the E.. whatchu got for me?