Sleepin' till two is a dream. And I'm so happy I got that dream fulfilled on Saturday. It felt good sleeping in, and just re-energizing the batteries. As soon as I woke up Margrethe and I headed out to stroll and eat. We didn't know where to eat, kinda decided to try Yaya's, but it was still closed. Ended up going to Beach Club at Akerbrygge. Not a bad choice at all. I always enjoy myself when I eat there. This time I had the "slappyjoe" burger. BAWS! Yum! Thanks for great company miss, and congrats to you as well. I dig us, easy. I like these type of Saturdays when we just chill, stroll, eat, and take pictures.. especially the photo part.. I like how they turned out this time around! ..Anyways... Later on we met up with Arif and Jaz. Didn't do much, just chopped it up and whatnot. Always nice to meet up with them though. After that we met up with the people at Torshov to do attend couchHELLA once again, watch Shutter Island, and get my haircut(off). Hah. Good timesssss!





Ham&cheese sandwich.

Beach Club "Favorite"-burger!


Thanks Blix for the GSW The Hundreds SF hat, and big ups to M-Rydis for the HypeMeansNothing tee!

The blessed life of a BAWS.
How was your weekend btw!?