This week so far has been alright. Very tired though. I have been working out and playing soccer after work, which has really gotten the best of me. Can't complain because I have chosen to do this, nobody has forced me. And I don't go to sleep early, so actually my fatigue is all my own fault. Hah! However, the cold weather is not my fault.. got dang its way to cold! Its even snowing now, and it looks like its here to stay. FAIL!? YES! FAIL MUCH! Ah... but I guess I just gotta pull through. Yeah yeah.. don't really have to much to say.. other than my tiredness I've just been chilling... trying to re-energize. Here are some pictures from this week so far though:

Dinner on Monday. Scrambled egg with turkey hot dog and rice. BAWS.

Fish & macaroni casserole for night snack at 1 am.. oueff.. gotta stop eating so late.

Also chilled with 'Gil on Monday.. 2k11 ftw.. hella tite even though I got crushed. Swear he's been practicing! Hahah.

Why so happy? wonder, because homie got a MacBook Pro now! Congrats!

This weeks highlight so far! You already know what it is.. them red fingers means...


So much love in a bag.. hah. Yummy.
Hows your week been so far?