First, and hopefully not the last gathering with these good people!
The Christmas party was a great SUCCESS. It was held at an old house right next to the hospital, I think the house was used by the CEO's back in the day. It was nice nonetheless. The ladies at work had set the table and fixed up the spot pretty nice, so it was all set for a good ol' feast and good times. You already saw the pictures of the food, and here are a few of the pictures I took that night. Didn't really take to many, because I wasn't sure if everyone was down with that. Heheh.. The one's I took turned out nice though, at least in my opinion. It was a great time, and I hope we can have a new party again soon. Other then food, we also had a quiz and a really entertaining "singing" game.. haha. I guess you had to be there. Hah! Thanks again guys. Elverum co-workers are great people, and so are their significant other!
Quiz time.
Really happy you came with me miss aka my significant other.
The co-workers. Thanks for the good times, and can't wait till more!