Chilled at the store after closing up on Saturday, you already know the usual.. more on that later though. Anyways, after chilling at the store, I met up with Camilo and we went up to Torshov. Really nice Saturday. Didn't really do anything.. ate some.. watched some TV.. had good conversations.. and started on some projects. Good times. Actually so good that me and Margrethe ended up spending the night. Heheh.. Spending the night turned out to be a great idea, because we woke up to the same good people and a delicious breakfast. Not even the snow storm outside could bring us down. Hah! Sunday started off really awesome, and it would stay that way... here are at least some flicks from Saturday night and Sunday morning. More shenanigans from each day up later.

Geekin' on that iPhone 4. Kinda want to get one.. hmm.



Breakfast for champions.

Curry majo.. oueff!

Yummy. Delicious soft bread with pepperham, omelet, potato salad, curry majo. BAWS!

Ate Eily, did a eat-n-run.. heh.

Grey hoodie crew.
Awesome weekend for reals.
How was yours?