One of those iPhone posts.. Wednesday's shenanigans!

Swear I failed yesterday. Hah. I was going to take pictures during dance class and later on over at 'Gil's place, but when I took the cam out of the bag I noticed that I had forgot to put in the battery. Oueff.. and it was to many degrees below zero so I said nææhh.. I'm not going back. Haha.. Good thing I had my iPhone with me though. Crappy pics, but whatevs. Dance class was nice, good times, getting the hang of the routines, and slowly getting ready for the show. Swear, I know I'll be so nervous when its about to go down, but its going to be a cool experience. Come watch. December 16th.. haha! BAWS.

akam1k3 the dancer.

akam1k3 as Shaq. Hah.

After practice I headed over to 'Gil's place for a little birthday kickback. It was a his birthday, so he had over some people to chill and just enjoy each others company. I had fun, played NBA 2k11(I WON MUAHAHA), had some good wine, and learned a new and fun card game. Nice hanging with you guys again. Hope you had a good birthday sir. Hope you have a blast when its time for celebration party!!

OKC wins, aka I win! BAWS.

Playing "Amerikaner". Good times.

Thanks for the great company!

You already know he won.. birthday luck.. hah.

Happy Birthday sir!

How you been this week?

Ps. one more congrats to Mimi, and mom&dad!