Jae-R. He performed his new hit OSLO!

He brought A-Lee.

Keep up the good work.

Artists and the host.

Abiel was ready for more.

Nuhhh was on the 1's and 2's.

Backup! Abielt had to hold people back.

People were losing their minds, especially when the fire alarm went off. Tyga tore it down.

A couple of hip-hop Norway's future!

Wolf mayn. Nice to see you again!

Sick.. paparazzi shot.. haha.

More of these cats. Keep doing your thing guys. BAWS!

Young H.O.

Long lost brothers. Happy Hai!? Hah.

akam1k3 x Tyga.

I told you people went crazy. Like I said.. plenty more to come!
Stay tuned.