What's for lunch!? Still on that good boy tip.

This week I've been good once again. Mostly homemade lunch. Good boy Majkee. I'm trying to limit myself to one "bough-lunch" a week. It was hard the other day when all I had was bread, and there was oven baked potatoes at the cafeteria... hah. The most important thing is that I get somewhat full, and the food I partake in is good. And with that said, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

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Monday and Tuesday: PASTA! Thanks to Mimi for my lunch on Monday; meat sauce and ravioli with pesto. On Tuesday it was calamansi and creme fraiche battered penne pasta with cooked ham fried in pesto and different spices topped with rucola.

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Wednesday: I was so tired that I had to have me some fries and a hotdog, the lady at the cafeteria hooked it up with the fries. Hah! And later on I got more hungry, so I got myself some chocolate filled buns and a Snickers icecream. Yum.

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Tuesday: Bread with Nugatto Krønsj, with "makrell i tomat" (fish filet in tomato sauce), with melted cheese and oregano.

Friday: 8 pieces of bread with cheese, ham, chicken, balsamic and tabasco.