The chronicles of Frelsersarmeneren x akam1k3 Vol.VI

Hit'em with a new one. Yup read it and enjoy. Words of wisdom by the homie Aesopjr.


"The secret of optimism

More than once I’ve been a victim of the evilness called negativism. You know the feeling; just take a second to remember the thought as it comes crouching among hidden dragons. No need for popular cultural metaphors to embody the notion of commotion that tags along when you first start feeling down. Simply state the obvious, you’ve taken a leap of faith, and instead of being rewarded as you rightfully should have been, you’ve been turned down faster than a dude in a lesbian bar. But hey, don’t for a second think that that’s the only explanation for being dismissed. On one or two occasions I might have some recollection of something similar to the subject, but I can’t blame on nothing else than the boogie. You guessed it right, it takes two to tango, and if one of the persons isn’t up for a little dancing, then you’ve been passed up like yesterdays kebab leftovers!

Then again, does everything have to do with the approval of others? You dress to impress, you ask others about their opinion about things you might think of doing. So the million dollar question, ladies and gents, is: why bother? Taking some factors into consideration: If you like a person, I might even suggest that you perhaps have fallen in love, or for the sake of conversation have a slight crush on this wonderful human being, then why wouldn’t you take that little leap of faith and explore the possibility of a mutual understanding of the situation, if you want to call it that. The logic is simple, you, whether you like it or not, have some feelings for this person, so why shouldn’t you act upon it. This is not, for the sake of argumentation, a green light for those of you that might want to get close enough for some comfort, to go wild and approach every breathing person you might feel some attraction towards. Be real, and realness will be returned to you.
You have to start at the bottom, as with all other things, break it down and look at it a couple of times before you decide. If the warm fuzziness spreads from head to toe at every encounter, you might have enough hints. After all, haven’t we learned anything from the pick-up artists that has gotten our attention the last year? It’s a numbers game, so if you’re in it for the right reasons, you’re not the one to blame! It’s no shame to be turned down, just continue on your path with an upside down frown. This might have taken a detour, but if you’re still reading I might salvage the rest of this chronicle. Let’s return to the ‘dressing to impress’ part. A fun fact about first impressions is that you’re judged during the 40-something first seconds. So for the fun of it, let’s assume that you for some god given reason chose not to follow the fashion philosophy –let the cloths you wear be a mirror of your personality. You instead wear what the person to impress would want you to wear. Think about it, if you wear really nice cloths at job interview, what are you going to do the rest of the time you work there? If you dress like a millionaire on the first date, how are you going to dress on the next one, given that you get the opportunity of course? Three’s the charm, so here goes the last question; if you impress by wearing cloth’s that doesn’t represent you, how do you think that people might perceive you, if you for a second forget the character you’re “in”?

As I said, three’s the charm but have you given it any thought? Naturally, the world has more shades than black and/or white, so if you think that I suggest you search the dumpster for some really dirty cloths when you feel down, you might have missed my point. Being real is like we discussed last time, it’s similar to emptiness. At various points in your life, you’re forced to take little leaps of faith to accomplish either small or big stuff. Sometimes you might have to walk on water, other times it’s enough to swim in it. The point is that despite of the ups and downs we have to be appreciative; after all we have the opportunity to make the decisions ourselves. Give it some consideration, if you like someone, all you have to do is ask. The worst possible outcome is that (s)he laughs in your face, but are you really hurt? It might be a little blow to the self-esteem, but then again, don’t sweat the small stuff! A word of advice I got from my father back in the days was to aim for the stars, those words stuck with me, perhaps at the despair of most of you, but I still believe Kanye West says it best: I can stand here in a Speedo and be looked at like a fucking hero! So when you feel like caving under pressure, be sure to measure the ups and downs. In a world of heroes, there’s the occasional crown-wearing clown, so before you become another pair of sneakers hanging from the high-voltage wire, or the grim numbers of the statistics, be sure to consult with a friend or two. In a world of people sippin’ on the hater’s-juice, take the high road, prove them wrong; don’t lose!

I have genuine interest in making people think outside the box, for even as short as a split second. The future holds in it what you want it to be. This isn’t crazy talk; I’ve heard similar explanations in the most unexpected places. The rap game, designed to eat and spit out all other but the survivors, has its own explanation. Jadakiss once very eloquently formulated it as depending on how treated it, you might become rich! So if you don’t take my word for it, perhaps Jada can vouch for me (?) What I wish for you, is that you as eagerly as you once did, pick up the pen and connect the dots and witness the making the image. This time it might don’t be the flabbergasting picture of a cartoon character, but the revelation of newfound truth- lying right beneath your nose.

In order not to overstay my welcome, perhaps the guidance you need is closer than you thought? Sometimes it’s easier to look everywhere else than within for answers. I’ll turn to the overused cliché from Star Wars and leave you with this: The force is with you! Haha

As Rev Run puts it, God is love, so share and get some!
It has been a pleasure,

