We been eating. And when your 30+ people at the table, you already know we had a lot! "Ribbe", "pinnekjøtt", taters, salad, "medisterkake", "julepølse", different sauces, "tyttebær", etc etc etc.... and of course... we Filipino's so we had RICE and other Filipino dishes as well.. haha. I ate so much. Swear if I ate a little bit more they would have to roll me out. Thanks to all the parents who made the food. Much appreciated. Big ups on the desert and the late night snack as well. Swear we had our last meal at 2.30 am. Good times huh? hahahah.. very very nice.


Sooo goood. Juicy and tender.. and all you could ever ask for!

Christmas beer.

We feasting. Multiple rounds!

Just a couple of the cakes. I was to busy eating, didn't have time to take pictures of all the deserts.

Wonton soup as a nightsnack.
What did you eat for Christmas?