

Excited for the future.

Ready, set...STEAK!

Yummy for the tummy.

They grow up so fast. I have eyes everywhere.. remember that! Hah.
So I went to sleep pretty late, but woke up really early as well. It was Sunday, and I figured I would go to Church. This year has been so good to me, so I knew it was only right to give some thanks and pray for a even better and safe 2011. Thanks for waiting for me Mimi. Mass was nice, even met some family after church to. Happy Sunday to you all.


Father and daughter.


After Mass I ate breakfast and chilled with the others. I was dead tired, it actually felt like I went out the night before.. heh. Tini stopped by as well. Wish you brought Daniel with you though, been a while since I saw him. Anyways... around 4.30 pm me and Margrethe went downtown before the "Christmas Party" later that evening. Stopped by Sole Service to checkout some stuff and say hi to the guys. Keep up the good work soldiers. Orraaaaaaah! Yup yup... like I've mentioned several times before, the weekend was great. And the "Christmas Party" made it even better. Stay tuned for that!

Starry eyes.


Awww... hehe.



Chun O. Høybi.

There she goes again. Going to miss you!

More on that later though... Lacoste Legends.
And.. yes... I'M BLESSED!