Rydis blurbs x akam1k3 4th edt.

Sensei Rydis hits us with a little something right before the year end. Very nice.

The Muse X A Simple Smile From a Complicated Girl

Its not particularly easy coming up with a clever assembly of words during the Christmas holidays, but one measly page I should be able to conjure. The theme of this particular conception is the most beautiful contraption in the entirety of Gods creation, that being of course the woman. Where men and our XY’s usually deem us worthy of labels like imperfection in effigy, the XX seems beautiful already on a chromosome level. A symmetrical and balanced being (although we usually prefer to think that you are everything but it), with abilities far surpassing ours in most aspects, set aside physical prowess.

Seems like I’m raining on the parade of every man to ever walk the earth, but every male that has ever loved will know what I’m talking about. We can’t live together, and we can’t live without each other. Neither of the two seems healthy in excessive amounts either. Equilibrium between the dichotomies is usually the preferable eminence in which the sexes co-exist. And as we live together, we also grow dependant, and our relations thrive through shared experiences and mutual desires, ideas and dreams. And here the curtains reveal the first part of our theme for today, “the muse”.


Most of us do what we do just to get by (Kweli, what’s up?), but both the individuals working in the gutter for spare-change and the big shots dropping dollars like dandruff do it because they want to impress or attain the blessing of a certain someone. You can lie and try to pass it on as self-realization, but human kind as a species is defined/doomed by our dependence on other people, and we can accept the fact and try to do right by others, or prioritize ourselves and cling to the belief that “I love me more”. And this concept is often watered down as “the muse”, a mythological creature serving both men and women alike with ideas and fuel to achieve their goals. Most of us don’t need a beautiful and enigmatic woman to tell us what we should do and how to do it, we have one already, the point of difference being that they don’t offer solutions, and yet they demand results. It’s usually a pain in the ass being in love, or infatuated or have role models or people that expect something at all, but if you flipside the concept, what would be the reason with anything if we were to be found wanting in these aspects?

This life is usually described as a casting for something greater, being that the gates of above or the pits down below, yet we all have one haven on earth that will make us forget both in an instant. This is where the simple smile, which is not simple, it’s in fact Mona Lisa-mystic, from a complicated girl, who doesn’t have to be all that complex at all, comes in. The reason of the title derives from the concept that the slightest hint of a muscular contraction that can resemble a sign of tender expression will melt even the meanest of bad-boys, and even the most Don Juan of men will have nothing on his female adversary, cause you are all complicated, bipolar, sly, mischievous, crazy and yet so incredible in all your essence.

One page is a puny drop in the ocean when it comes to this subject, and I can’t even begin to try and understand your kind, as I, like every man before me will come up short-handed. But that is kind of the point, what is a journey without an enigma, what is an end without a beginning and some lining, and what is Mona Lisa without the ability to make people wonder what the hell is up with that smile? Without the mystery, it’s just a picture of a deceased being composed of the same decaying matter as everything else. But add the little idea of something more, a little bit of something we don’t understand, and you end up with the muse.


She’s the source, the outcome, the reason, the logic, the why, the beginning and the goal of every deed.

(No, I’m not a feminist…)

Sensei Rydis