Anyways.. that actually sums up my afternoon on Saturday. Great. I was dead tired after the BAWS Christmas Party, but always down to hang with the family. We went downtown and just checked stores for what they had to offer during these giving times... heh. It was very nice. I like being able to spend time with my parents and really enjoying it. I mean ever since I was a little kid, the four of us would go downtown together, just to window shop and make good memories. Its very appreciating to know that even though we're growing up and "busy" with our schedules we still find time for it. And another awesome thing about these downtown strolls, are the way they end... heheh.. they always end with food. Hah! TGIF it was, I wasn't feeling to good so I wasn't able to finish my food, but it was darn delicious. (VERA CRUZ) ANGELES family for the win!

Christmas lights at the mall. Random.

Gani A tired of waiting.. hah.

Ready to punch something? ...


Busted.. always on a hunt for shoes.


Didn't buy the shoes.. she to cute.

And she knows it.. hah.

I like this one.. but..

This one is better. ALL OF THE LIGHTS!

First women in my life.

They pretty cool.

"Dad why can't you buy me a CAR!?"

"Ahhh... sure... (SIKE)"

"...yeah.. sike, because I'm the one with the cash.." hahah.. just kidding.. random caption comments.



Dads ultimate burger.

Moms wildmushroom steak.

Mimi's chicken burger.

My Jack Daniel spareribs.
Oh and yeah.. can't forget that I went to mom and dads pad after my game on Sunday for some brunch.. oueff.. mom killed it!

Filipino beef steak!

Yeah.. don't worry.. I'll say it for you.. YOUR BLESSED MIKE!