akam1k3 presents: "Juicy RUN OSL" (January 8th 2011)

Just a little montage I put together of video clips I shot at Blaa during the first Club Juicy night in 2011(January 8th). DJ's Patski Love and ChrisStallion of Juicy ripped it as usual. Good times. RUN OSLO! 2011 started off with a BANG! Keep it up guys! BAWS x CLUB JUICY!

Song: Breakbot - Baby I'm Yours




Shot with a Nikon d300s and a Nikkor 50mm 1.4


Sorry for the quality, but YouTube is acting up. I would put it on Vimeo for better quality, but I have no space for it. Anyone wanna hook me up with a Vimeo+ account? Hah. In the meantime watch it on YouTube at 720p. Thanks!