I promised myself that I was going to try it at least once while I am here, but I must say that I passed up on it the first time I had the chance. I guess I really need to psych myself up on this one. Oueff. I usually eat whatever, but this.... this is crazy. Hah. Its crazy how people just eat it with ease. I've seen a baby cousin just slurp it down like its whatever. Oueff.. anyways, my uncle showed me how to do it the other night. Oueffffff:
*warning, pretty graphic pictures, NSFW.. hehe just kidding* , but don't tell me I didn't warn you if you get freaked out.

Mmmmm..premature chicken... mmmmmm.. so juicy... mmmm so boney... mmmm so nice...
No hate though. I love this culture. I will try it!