Didn't sleep the night before, figured I would just sleep on the plane. We left the house like zombies around 4 am, and approx an hour later we were at the airport, and half an hour after that we were already checked in with boarding passes in our hands. The flight was on schedule, but we still had time to kill. Decided to get some food, roam the tax-free shops and do some last minute tweetin(haha). The plane ride went smoothly, atleast that's what I assume.. Heheh, I was sleeping the whole way. We touchdowned at Heathrow with ease. Our lay-over was like two hours, but it was cool. We got to go on a busride between terminals(swear it was as long as the busride from the apartment to downtown Oslo, and a bit longer haha), we got to check out all the stores..... And we got to EAT! Swear the place we ate at was the bomb. Sushi! More on that later though. I like my travel partners, especially because its with my fam and my girl. Good times ahead... Yup!

Ready to fly.

Artsy fartsy.






HK bound.
The plane ride to Hong Kong took us 11 hours, swear it took forever. Thank God for unlimited food, cool movies (watched Dinner for Scmucks and The Social Network), being so tired that I fell asleep most of the time, and a nice sky to take pictures of. A little bit of turbulence, but we managed. As soon as we got to Hong Kong we had to just go to another gate before boarding the last plane. I don't even remember that one. I was gone... haha.. All I know is that we made it all in one piece.


When you wish upon a star.




Chillin'. Hah.



Honk Kong.

Man on the moon.
We in the P.I now and life is GREAT. Blessed all the way up to 7th heaven. Good times.