akam1k3 on The Hundreds.com!?!?

Everyone who check out my blog know now that I have this "project 365" going on. Yesterday was this picture: CLICK. Its my love wearing my favorite clothing brand - THE HUNDREDS. Its an older print (Bullettooth Tony print from 2007) from the prime brand, and is easily one of my favorite tees of all time. I figured that I would tweet it to the people of The Hundreds and maybe in a million years they would see it. My plan was just to hope that they would see it and then move on. However, it didn't turn out like that.


When I woke up the following morning, my homie Big E had sent me a text. It said that I should check out The Hundreds page. Oueff.. kinda nervous. I checked it and what do you know, my idol, Bobby Hundreds decided to post my photo. SO AWESOME! That was just so unbelievable for me. I know for you guys its weird that I'm making a big deal out of this, but heeeey... I've been following this brand since the get go and heeeeey its just awesome to get recognition from people you look up too! So much appreciated. And the best part is that he still remembers me, and still know that I'm truly one of their biggest supporters.

Haven't seen so many likes on a FB post where I'm involved. Hah! So awesome. And yeah.. thats not me on the photo.. its that cool kid!

Share my moment, and check out the post on The Hundreds site; HERE.

Big ups again TH for making my day!

Inspirational meeting.