X-Mas with akam1k3: December 7th edt.

Alright alright! The sixth winner of the x-mas calendar is... *drumroll* *drumroll*....

Hahahah.. I did get a lot of laughs. But like the nerd that I am, I like those jokes that actually kinda suck, but you just have to laugh. Haha. So thats why I ended up picking two jokes as my winners.

"Lars said...
Hva skjer hvis du kjører og krasher i en fjellvegg med ei bikkje i baksetet?

Du får dog på ruta..


"Anonymous said...
det var en gang to Epler som skulle gå på byn, men de kom seg ikke inn fordi det sto 2 eple nektere i døren..hohoho


Big ups to you both.. hahah. I know the jokes are in norwegian so its hard for everyone to understand how "funny" the jokes are...hah, but thats just how it is. I laughed and thats what matters.... hahah. Good times. Send me an e-mail with your address on it, and I will ship you your price asap! Thanks to everyone for joining the fun. Much appreciated, don't give up.

Yup yup.. another chill gift. Today is Little Saturday(Wednesday) so we are going to switch it UP lil bit up before going ham in the weekend competitions! Thanks again for joining the fun!

Task of December 7th:
Little Saturday so yeah.. we are switching up the gift a bit.. just a tad. Is it better? Hmm.. join and check. However, the task of the day is still pretty easy. I sent my mother another number between 0 and 150. Which number is it? Comment your number with your e-mail and hopefully you will win! Good luck.

December 7th.

Happy Holidays, akam1k3!