So for our day we wanted to do something fun. We thought about everything and anything, and we ended up at bowling. Hah. We both kinda suck, but it was fun! Hah. Well played babe! Anyone know anything to do in downtown Oslo if you want to have a fun date? Like inside miniature golf, arcades or whatnot.. hah. I know Kanalen is gone and I'm not in the States, but heck they should've some of these stuff in Oslo. Anyways, I had an awesome time! Thanks miss! And congrats again!



Good times.

Swag.. haha. Gotta stop saying that.



Prolly a gutter. Hah.

Hahah.. we suck.


Down by one, one pin left.

Crunchtime. Hah. I had my lucky charm there so you already know I had it. Thanks shawty.. heh.

Wasn't sure if I wanted to change back to the Jordan's. Almost just left them there.


Pizza after bowling. Nice.