Going to miss the view.
The last half day we chilled at Starbucks, before eating lunch with the Sta. Rosa crew. Mmmmm, we ate at CPK aka Calfornia Pizza Kitchen, and I got to eat one of my favorite dishes, KOREAN BBQ TACOS! BAAAM! So good, but since I was there I also had to get one of their Chicken BLT focaccia.

Breakfast at Starbucks.

7th heaven.

Word to Club Apartment.


A little gift shopping.

Good times.

Haha.. randomly met some Swedish peoples Hah. Shout out to JAKE.

Yup did some shopping.
After lunch it was back to Sta. Rosa and back to eating and chillaxin'. As I write this I'm looking out a window where there is sno as far as the eye can see, dang, this post is killing me.. hah.

Sta Rosa good life.

The happy camper.