Ever since I can remember hearing about festivals, Roskilde was one of the big names that you would hear about. This year I'm finally gonna get to go and experience it. GOOD TIMES! And I'm not only going there to listen to music, I'm going there with the #ROSKILDENOR crew!
#ROSKILDENOR is founded by me and a group of friends. We will be there to cover the Norwegian acts at this years festival. Its going to be awesome! Later this year, it will all be presented in our magazine. Dope huh? Better join the fun, by using the hashtag #RoskildeNor when posting on any social medias. Follow us on:
INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/RoskildeNor
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/RoskildeNor
BLOGGER: http://roskildenor.blogspot.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/RoskildeNor
JOIN THE FUN! Please do tell if you know about anything that we should cover! GOOD TIMES!