The Bird is the WORD!

Real talk!

I always have a mission when I go to CPH. I need to eat some KFC, because it makes me feel closer to the States. Hah. And I don't know about you, but I think its awesome… even though I know that its not "chicken" Hah. And that mashed potato with gravy is a beautiful sin sent from 7th heaven. When I used to live in Las Vegas, I would eat that so much. Hahaha. I'm weird like that.

The other night we were supposed to eat it as a night snack after hitting the club. However, because of some different interests we ended up going back to the club.. haha. Well, at least me. Ended up with a sorry French hotdog from 7/11. However, I did redeem myself the following morning, with a breakfast for champions - FRIED CHICKEN. BOOM!

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Gates of heaven.

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I was so close.

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A clear message to me. I lost. Hah.

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Good, but FAIL. Hah.

Redemption time;

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Finger lickin' good.

Can't wait till next time.

The Bird is the WORD!

Ps. I am over exaggerating on my addiction to KFC.. hah. Or am I!? Hmmm.